March 2023: Virtual Healthcare, RRSPs and LAPP, Annual Day of Mourning, Dayforce's New Look, Staff Recognition, & Staff Engagement
Posted on Mar 20, 2023
WCB Alberta - Annual Day of Mourning
"Every year on April 28 we pay our respects to, and remember, the workers who have been killed, seriously injured, or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents. Sadly, in 2021, Alberta lost 178 people to an occupational injury or disease.
Fortunately, occupational injuries and illnesses are preventable if workplace hazards are reported and properly addressed. Please exercise your Alberta Workers' right to participate in discussions about safety issues that may impact you or others and report safety issues that need to be addressed to ensure the safety of yourself or others at the site.
As a way to pay respect for those people an outdoor ceremony is held at the Edmonton Legislature building on April 28th at 10am where moment of silence is observed.
Lumino Health Virtual Care
"As part of our Sunlife Benefits, benefit employees have access to Lumino Health Virtual Care. Lumino Health Virtual Care, gives you access to health-care providers through Dialogue. Now you can access care for you and your family, from the comfort of home:
- Chat with a nurse or doctor through secure video
- Renew prescriptions
- Connect with mental health specialists
- Consult with other health care professionals (e.g. nutritionists) for a fee.
Download the Lumino Health Virtual Care App from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Or you can also register online at
Have you checked in on your RRSP or LAPP lately? It’s a good idea to make sure your address and contact/personal info are up to date. Those who are currently signed up for and contributing to RRSP's with Heartland Housing Foundation can call our representative, Eman Kaiser (contact info below) who can answer any questions and review with you your details to ensure that all information is correct.
Group RRSP/TFSA/RRIF Administrator
780-701-4510 (direct)
780-463-6128 (main)
Those who are on our Pension program with the Local Authority Pension Plan can set up an account online to have access to update your information and see how your contributions are working for you. Go to to set up your account today!
2023 Employee Engagement Survey
2023 Employee Engagement Survey is live until March 28th!!!
The survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete, and can be completed on most cellphones, tablets, or computers that have an internet connection. If you require the use of a computer to complete your survey, let your supervisor or manager know and a work computer will be made available to you. If you cannot complete the whole survey in one session, your progress will be saved, and you can finish later using your personal link.
As a THANK YOU for participating, we are giving staff who complete the survey a $5 Tim Horton’s gift card. To claim yours, let the office know when you have completed the survey.
Your feedback is very important and will inform future decision-making and policy work at Heartland Housing Foundation. We are grateful for your insight.
February 2023 Employee Reward and Recognition Winners
Congratulations to the first winners of the Employee Rewards and Recognition Program.
Dr. Turner Lodge - Nominee: Jessica Chapman
Clover Bar Lodge - Nominee: Gail Blanchette
Silver Birch Place - Nominee: Jo Ann Wilkinson
These people do extraordinary things each and every day. All it took was a special person to recognize that work and enter a ballot into a draw. The feedback and entries that we received in February told some remarkable stories about a lot of other people too. We can't wait to see the entries for March! Nominate your co-worker today by visiting
A New Look For Dayforce
Dayforce is getting a makeover. Starting on March 22nd Dayforce's homepage will feature links such as LifeWorks, and HRdownloads, frequently used documents like the payroll calendar and employee handbook and widgets like upcoming pay dates and amount of your last cheque.
This new feature will be updated when there is new relevant information available for staff. Login on March 22nd to see this new look and as always, please let us know if there is relevant information that you think would be helpful to all staff.