Our Strategic Vision

Developed in collaboration with our staff, leadership team, and Board of Directors,  Heartland Housing Foundation's 2024 - 2028 strategic plan defines how and why we are working to improve quality of life in the communities we serve.

Our Noble Purpose

We contribute to vibrant communities as a leader in attainable
housing solutions.


Our Guiding Principles


we are curious intentional

  • We actively seek the opportunities to learn.
  • We seek maximum impact outcomes. 


we aim high 

  • We deliver quality attainable housing solutions. 
  • We demonstrate financial and operational excellence. 
  • We are dedicated to continuous improvement. 


we set the example 

  • We are committed to transparency and accountability. 
  • We make informed, sound choices.
  • We are focused on integrity, excellence and teamwork. 


Our Strategic Priorities

Manage Properties 

We manage housing properties to ensure financial stability, proper maintenance and high quality occupancy management.

Improve Housing Supply 

We work to increase the supply of attainable housing based on community needs through acquisition, new construction, and re-purposing.

Deliver Support Services 

We enhance the safety and wellbeing of the communities and individuals we serve through quality programs and services.

Build a Thriving Workplace 

We foster a positive work culture that empowers, engages and motivates employees to deliver their best.