November 2021 - Logging in to Dayforce, Availability Feature, and Alberta Workers 3 Rights
Posted on Nov 17, 2021
How to Login to Dayforce
When was the last time you logged onto Dayforce? Are you a first time user? Let's log on together!
Dayforce is a website that runs in almost any internet browser. Enter
Once on the Log in page there are 3 fields to complete:
- Company name: Heartlandh
- Your user name: firstname.lastname (e.g. jane.smith)
- First time users password: {BIRTHYEAR}Heart (e.g. 1975Heart)
On the homescreen you can access the navigation panel on the top left side of the screen.
Here you have options to choose EARNINGS to view your latest paystub or T4, or choose PROFILE where you can view and update your contact information, view details about your current work assignment, view your balances and create or change your security settings under SETTINGS>SECURITY. Have a look there to add some security questions in case forget your password. And lastly you can visit WORK and CALENDAR to update your Availability.
Click here for Image of Login Screen and Navigation Menu
Please reach out to your manager if you need any assistance in getting Dayforce set up for you!
Availability Feature
We are so excited to unveil the latest feature in Dayforce...AVAILABILITY!
The Availability function located under the WORK>Calendar tabs in Dayforce is used to let your manager/supervisor know what days you would be available to pick up additional shifts outside your regularly rotation. Requesting time off from your regular shifts should still be completed using the site specific time away from work request process and not through this function.
This tool will help managers easily and quickly see who is available to pick up a shift when needed. When there are open shifts or employees cannot attend work, Managers will reach out to employees who have identified they are available in this feature before attempting to contact employees have unclear availability. Please ensure this is kept as up to date as possible.
Your manager/supervisor will be showing how to use this feature during the next staff meeting and will provide you with a written step-by-step guide on how to use it in Dayforce.
Alberta Workers 3 Rights
Did you know what your three basic Occupational Health and Safety rights are? Occupational health and safety legislation gives three important rights to all workers to ensure they have the knowledge they need to be safe on the job and the freedom to participate in health and safety activities in their workplace.
These rights include: the right to know; the right to participate; and the right to refuse unsafe work. HHF has reinforced these rights within our HSE program to encourage workers to exercise them in their day-to-day work.
You can learn more about these rights by following this link: